traditional marketing
Print is Not Dead, Traditional Marketing is Alive & Kicking

It’s true. The increase in the usage of smartphones and other devices has many companies teetering towards digital advertising over traditional marketing, particularly print ads. Not only does digital advertising offer a greater reach, but it’s cost-effective compared to printed material. But that doesn’t necessarily mean digital marketing should be the only go-to strategy. Despite … Continued

Landing pages
Using Your Website To Guide Your Customers: Seasonal Landing Pages

Do you know why Google’s search engine is so popular? They’ve made it their business to design a system that quickly gives you the exact information you want when you want it. They even go as far as to pull the precise information from a webpage you need and display it in a little box … Continued

Domain Resellers
Domain Resellers Can Be Risky

Domain names like,, and are how we get to websites on the internet. You will need a domain name if you want a website for your business. While many large public hosting companies also sell domains, the location your website is hosted and your domain registration is handled by two very different … Continued

Plan For The Next Busy Season | Marketing Calendar
Marketing Calendars: An RV Park Guide To Plan For The Next Busy Season

Those at the top of the RV hospitality industry have a couple of things in common. They plan for the next busy season and adjust next year’s plans according to data. Planning your marketing campaigns, sales, and events ahead of time in a marketing calendar ensures you aren’t scrambling at the last minute. Those who … Continued

4 Ways To Digitally Promote Your Offers and Events

When you have special offers, big events, and other occasions at your business that you want to promote, it’s important to put the news on your website. Big Rig Xpress sites have an event calendar feature, pop-up windows, and other features that can get the word out to those who visit your site. Putting the … Continued

SWOT Analysis | SWOT Worksheet | SWOT Basics
What is a SWOT Analysis? Just One More Way Big Rig Xpress Can Help

Some of the best marketing and business decision techniques follow the K.I.S.S. or “Keep It Simple Stupid” thinking philosophy. The SWOT analysis is a great example of this on a surface level. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. New startups and existing companies can benefit from running their marketing strategies, business decisions, and … Continued

Marketing | Digital Marketing | Website
New Year’s Resolution for Campgrounds – Get a FREE Digital Marketing Plan

Every trip around the sun brings changes and new opportunities, including new digital technologies. The New Year is a great time to re-evaluate your marketing strategies and bring them up to date. Google Ads – Formerly knowns as AdWords, make it your New Year’s Resolution to be seen where your customers are searching, browsing and … Continued

Business Automation | Automate Sales Scheduling
Business Automation In Action: How To Automate Sales Scheduling

Many business processes can be automated by linking commonly used platforms together such as triggering a personal email to a prospect who completes a contact form on your website (check out our quote request form here). One of the most popular ways to use business automation is with sales/discovery appointment scheduling. It’s often most productive … Continued

Content Creation | Business Website | Image by:
Outsource Content Creation For Your Business Website

When it comes to creating content for your business website, DIY is not your best option. A great way to take this task off your plate is to outsource content creation to a professional. Let’s face it, wordsmithing isn’t for everyone, and unless you have specialized experience or training, you might be doing more harm … Continued

Online Reservation Forms | Outdoor Hospitality | RV Resort
Online Reservation Forms for Outdoor Hospitality

If you own a business in outdoor hospitality, like an RV resort, you may already be aware that around 70% of reservations are completed via phone versus online bookings. What you may not know is that around 85% of traditional hospitality reservations are booked online. In this blog, we’re going to examine a few reasons … Continued